About Us


KA.DER is a women’s organization that supports the equal representation of women in all areas. It recognizes the equality of men and women as a requirement for democracy in decision-making bodies which make decisions affecting society and individuals and include selection and appointment.

Women are far away from equal representation in senior management and especially politics although they have demonstrated their existence in different social areas. KA.DER was founded in March 1997 to combat gender inequality, provide participation of all citizens in decision-making processes, bring women’s experience and problem-solving skills to social and political areas, and work to increase women’s representation rates in all decision-making bodies that come by selection and appointment.

Regarding the indicative property of politics in communal living, KA.DER has set its target primarily as providing equal representation in politics. Equal representation in politics will provide the realization of gender equality in all fields.

What KA.DER Does
KA.DER's Principles
Which Woman Candidates Does KA.DER Support
Organizational Structure

Diğer Haberler


KA.DER’in kuruluşunda kendisini temellendirdiği “eşit temsil” ilkesi ile varlığını devam ettirmektedir. Demoktarik ve çoğulcu bir toplum yaratmak, sivil toplumda örgütlenmek anayasal haktır. Her alanda eşit temsili savunan KA.DER sizi üye olmaya davet ediyor.


KA.DER’i tanımak, birlikte güçlü olduğumuzu görmek ve çalışmalarımıza katılmak için gönüllü olabilirsiniz.


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